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Last Updated: April 14, 2024

Currently Reading

"How to win every argument" by Mehdi Hasan

I was following American politics for around a year now, and the rise of Vivek Ramaswamy as the forerunner of the MAGA movement has been rather interesting to watch.

Around a month ago I watched an analysis of a debate between him and Mehdi. I was impressed with how assertive Mehdi can be at times and how Vivek was also able to deflect some of Mehdi's aggression. In particular, Mehdi always raised "receipts" to fact-check Vivek during his college and entrepreneur days. How ugly it may turn out to be it is still an extremely powerful tactic.

I really look up to Vivek reorienting the MAGA movement to make it less of a Trump cult, but in this case I see Mehdi as also a beast in his field, so I decided to read his book to understand his perspective more.

I lean more towards Vivek's side on certain issues but Mehdi is an interesting case, as he is a British-born Indian muslim (and probably on the moderate side). He is probably a rare example where the left wing supporting Palestine actually makes sense (Radical islamism is after all more so against "Woke" ideology, like you won't be able to find a more hardliner group than ISIS on this). But at the same time I can't see him arguing against radical islamism in Britain.

I'm no debater nor do I plan to enter politics but I still think these are necessary skills for me to have.

(P.S. Oxford Union seems cool from Mehdi's own experiences, I might want to take a look at that in the future.)


Rich Dad Poor Dad

Completed on April 3, 2024

After reading this book I guess I learnt half of what it was supposed to teach me. The other half I kinda already know from personal experience.

Probably a good refresher on concepts regarding financial literacy, and sometimes Kiyosaki's words can be pretty cult-like and unpleasant to the average reader unwilling to change their mindset, but I do particularly enjoy using "Rat Race" in my vocabulary now.

I guess this book and oi helped me realize that I should start learning how to invest, and I do have a greater emphasis on long-term investment targeting emerging countries and industries. A good base in geopolitics and economical theory always helps in this regard.

The Thomas Sowell Reader

Completed on March 6, 2024

Very based work in my opinion, when you realize that most of the "problems" in society are artificial constructs distracting you from the truthful reality.

Will probably look into more of his works in the future

Plan to Read

In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies

Will help with management and leadership skills that I need to develop in the future if I were to make a startup myself.

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